Relaxation After an intensive asana practice, the final resting yoga pose, Corpse Pose helps deepen the connection between our physical body and mind and helps prepare both for meditation. Shavasana can be thought of as an awakening, giving us the time to contemplate the question “If I died today, would I be fully satisfied and content with what I accomplished in this lifetime?” Have you lived up to your full potential? Have you fully acknowledged the people in your life that are of great importance to you? Would you be able to pass on with no regrets? Lie down on…
Author: musa
The body runs on the fuel it is provided with. When we were hunters and gatherers, this fuel came in the form of foods collected in the wild, encompassing a diverse range of health-giving chemistry, to include components far beyond vitamins and minerals. For instance, archaeologists have found evening primrose seed on ancient European sites, leading us to believe that prehistoric men and women knew the value of the oil collected from these tiny seeds. Archaeologists and anthropologists are also able to tell us of the diseases of ancient peoples. There is evidence to suggest that cancer, osteoporosis, rheumatism, and…
Does the business you want to own require skills and talents you already possess? If you have the necessary skills, do you enjoy exercising them? Think about this for a good long time. The average small business owner spends more time with his venture than with his family. This being so, it makes sense to be at least as careful about choosing your endeavor as you are about picking your mate. A few of us are sufficiently blessed that we can meet someone on a blind date, settle down a week later, and have it work out wonderfully. However, in…
Understanding tillage sequences is critical for good soil and bed preparation prior to spring planting. Ill-timed or poorly executed tillage will lead to frustration and soil cloddiness. This is especially true for more challenging soils higher in clay content. The specific sequences you use will depend entirely on soil type and implement selection. Spring Incorporation of Cover Crop Residue and Bed Formation Tools: Flail mower, mechanical spader, rolling cultivator Flail mow cover crop at appropriate soil moisture to minimize compaction Immediately after flail mowing cover crop, use a spader to incorporate residue Immediately after spader incorporation of cover crop, form…
It is a great blessing if your body can transport you through life without too many recurring breakdowns. Being unaware of the body’s warning signs is part of a more general loss of many primal and gut instincts. When things do go wrong, there is a tendency to curse your body, treating it as something separate from yourself — an entity that has failed in its service to you. What people often fail to realize is that this reaction is the result of an ever-increasing disconnection with the body, and that the physical breakdown is the conclusion to a long…
Perhaps our greatest authority on the subject of juicing is N. W. Walker, author of Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices. He died relatively recently, aged almost 120 years, having helped many people. He said, “By juicing the vegetables and fruits one is keeping the vitamin, mineral and fl uid content while discarding the fi ber. This means that the goodness of the alkaline vegetables or fruit can be assimilated by the body in about 15 minutes instead of hours mhtspace.” Who would chew through ten raw carrots, fi ve sticks of raw celery, and two raw beets at one sitting…