Social networks are very popular these days like Instagram. Its users actively share their travels, pastimes, hobbies, and, in general, everything that happens to them almost every day. You need to be able to respond to this with some attention-grabbing phrase.
How to think of what to write Best Comment For Girl Pic On Instagram?
If you make up your own opinion but have been thinking about it for about an hour, try to analyze the girl’s tastes and interests. And if you are also familiar with these topics, epithets, metaphors, and intricate rhymes will flow like a river. If such information is not available to you, then use your knowledge.
Draw an analogy between her appearance and heroines from mythology, film, book, etc. Just do not overdo it with phrases; otherwise, your words will sound ridiculous.
List of beautiful phrases for comment on Instagram
Knowing that you are making an impression on someone is very gratifying. It also inspires and raises self-esteem. After reading a couple of not hackneyed compliments addressed to her, the girl will undoubtedly take a closer look at the person who wrote capacious but unusual praise.
If she loves books
It doesn’t matter what kind of literature she prefers to read: classics or fantasy, or maybe detective stories – such a girl will always appreciate the high syllable of her subscriber. Use quotes or aphorisms from famous writers and poets. Example Best Comment For Girl Pic On Instagram :
- I watch your Instagram account every day because I am modest and straightforward, and as Francis Bacon argued, the simpler the beauty, the more precious it is;
- Este Lauder has an expression: “The most beautiful face is yours,” I swear, he said about you;
- As graceful as Juliet. You overshadow the torch rays; you shine so brightly. Now, for sure, I had not seen beauty until then;
- And yet the genius of pure beauty exists, and I did not believe;
- As if Helen the Beautiful, an actual relative of the eternal goddesses, no matter how the war begins, otherwise another great city will perish.
And by the way, don’t forget emoticons and emojis; this adds emotion to your Best Comment For Girl Pic On Instagram .